About Me

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Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
Well , I 1st wanted to start this blog to show my hobbies but it failed because i gave up trying to blog so i'm reliving this blog and I'll post things that really makes me happy ... FOOD!!! and family too

Friday, January 30, 2009

Well , I'm back from Johor after celebrating CNY . Really sry to those all cause I didn't blog for LONG time . T_T .

Had a really great time there but couldn't DotA . Oh well , just let my cousins to entertain me and get lots of ang paus XD

That day of reunion dinner something real funny happened . Cause every year there's a 'casino' that will take place in my hse so family friends will come and join the adults to earn the extra ringgit(damn currency) .
So , poker was the game of the night .... as usual .... nothing beats that especially with uncle Toffee and uncle Roland and the others laughing over politics in out Malaysia =.=
To those familiar with poker , we always say that we 'sit' on the card as in the closed card ( the secret weapon in poker) . Aunty Dorothy and uncle Tommy was 'sitting' on a king when all flip their cards over . the convo came like this

''How come I and you are sitting on king one ah tommy?'' aunty Dorothy
"Cause their 'arse' is so great to sit on royalty ''uncle Roland

that scentence made me choked on my coke and I laugh hard cause I was watching them .
My mom was like "was the joke about''??
haiz , guess that I was dirty minded there along with uncle Roland

But the good side is that I collected a thick bundle of and paus XD

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