About Me

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Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
Well , I 1st wanted to start this blog to show my hobbies but it failed because i gave up trying to blog so i'm reliving this blog and I'll post things that really makes me happy ... FOOD!!! and family too

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Day at the KTM

I'M SICK~~~just so you know that's y i'm lazy to put any pics because I don't have any that suits this post =p

Few days i experienced this magical force sucking me into a vortex and i swore it was in the dark during the wee hours of the morning(6.40am) of course, I was too lazy to switch on the bathroom lights and i was feeling dizzy but we can skip that part of =p

I , who thought it was gonna be ok later .... thought so very WRONG! *slaps head silly*
|||quite note|||-this has happen to me once during 1st sem and that self consious mind was correct about that time *slaps head silly again

Because it takes around 1 hour , 26 mins and 32 sec to reach my college station, I always sleep/slept in the train and i will definitely will get a sit(and a comfortable one) , so in the car i was thinking in my head

"It's gonna be alright , just a headache and plenty of time to sleep in the train"
and Damn was I so wrong again.

As my mom was driving me to my train station , i saw a LEGION of people there are again in my head
DAMN!!!!!!.... i knew it , the train b4 delayed (in case this happens , it's either youre late for class or fake an excuse the next day) well , that day i was blur so don't blame for my dim-witted-ness i walked slowly across to the other platform and when i entered the train , I found out i was the only one standing and I was sufficating and was gonna faint .
I even sat down on the floor cause i couldn't bare to stand and I heard that voice of the train lady said

"Stesen Teluk Pulai~~~~~Teluk Pulai"

I tried to be ''cool''

"Stesen Klang~~~~Klang"...she said Klang like the way you would say Flung.
Tha'ts it , I couldnt handle anymore and i just walk out the train on the bench and laid down there without bothering who was looking me because there wasn't anyone loking at me when they all went board the train ..... snap i wished i could drew some attention.So the train left and there i was at Klang thinking what would I do motionless there?

Tried to call my mom and all the respond i could get was
"Nombor yang anda panggil tidak dapat dihubungi"
I went NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but my scream must have reached God's ear or maybe the Train Operator's ears and boy was I glad a godsend came to me like a beaming light ...... unfortunately it was too bright that it came from the head lights of the train =.=''
I limbed into the train and sat in the most comfortable sit in the Komuter:

Before going on , in case you are ....like me.... very far journey to your stop ...18 stops for me.....want to be relaxed and sleep off instead of watching those damn boring scene everyday , looking at the same regular person stop after stop , here's a solution to a stress free unless the air-con is out and that is a real pain in the A** .There are also 4 kinds of trains ,

  1. The ''Fruit Juice Train'' , it's got wall paper Ads of the F&N juices on it , it's obvious they took a very old train cause i can smell the old-ness in it . Rank out of 4 ...**
  2. The ''Mak Dara Train'' a.k.a the "Train of the Damsel'' where this old hag is smiling at you and i seriously don't see the ''Dara'' in it . But its the most comfortable train there is among the Komuters and any seat can be used as a sleeping seat .... lol ..... Rank out of 4 ... ****
  3. The ''Crab Train'' ... why?? because it's the only train thats designed in a way when u are sitted , you will be facing another person opposite you and this sucks when he/she or yourself wanna sleep and people would be watching you ..... Rank out of 4...<NONE!!!!!!>
  4. The ''ANTRABANLA Train'' ..... haha.... it's actually Antara Bandar (between the cities) but i love so twist my tongue in it lol .... this doesn't follow the Port Klang - Sentul track but it's the best so far..

First , it takes quite some effort but rush or bump in but in a ''cool'' manner for a seat where there isn't a window or as u are sitting and if u can tilt your head sideways , u can rest on a elevated spot or else you would get stiff neck.That's how you can get a seat but it sucks if u need to stand for a hour+ and cramp up standing and pushing with other passengers if youre standing .

That's all for now untill more KTM stories ..... yes I know it put this blog as ''FOODIES BLOG'' but i said more than just food lol...

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