About Me

My photo
Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
Well , I 1st wanted to start this blog to show my hobbies but it failed because i gave up trying to blog so i'm reliving this blog and I'll post things that really makes me happy ... FOOD!!! and family too

Monday, December 15, 2008

Another average boring Life

Picture this , imagine you are laying on a lazy chair on a beach paradise .
Oceans calling to your ear bowing to you by hitting the pearl white sand. Everything
seems to be perfect getting your tan then your mind bubble is 'pop'-ed by an annoying sibling
saying..."Mommy ! You see Kor Kor....... so bad one. He don't want let me play the Computer!"

"Argh!!!! You know last time when I was your age
I never owned a handphone or a PS2...Nevertheless, this Computer!!"

Well , the little one was me so I got all the attention from mom(muaks)..... :p
Either way , my Bro still doesn't want me to use it (=.=) Guess Mr.Drama didn't work.

Lucky there's plan B,

Remember people always say that Dogs are men's best friend? They ain't lying...... True enough . No matter what time of the day or year , I always looks at my pet Labrador, Daisy
as the above picture........her golden eyes never fail to melt my heart to be calm and whoever that doesn't owned a pet in their homes , shame on you. Really , a fish helps my friend to laugh(God knows why).....

Looks like there's the end of my blog for now.
More next time ,

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