About Me

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Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
Well , I 1st wanted to start this blog to show my hobbies but it failed because i gave up trying to blog so i'm reliving this blog and I'll post things that really makes me happy ... FOOD!!! and family too

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Carols

This whole week I'm gonna be singing carols at houses from my church .
Always know that first impression is the best way to please people ?Well , this was how it went on Day 1. We all met up at the leader's house then only we could start moving to other places. The time to meet was at 7p.m . When i showed up there . . . . . . . . . there was like only 6 people who were present and in my mind were only 3 words which was "." , "." and "." which sums it up "..."

So I gave respect by greeting the house residence and sat on a chair , thank goodness to the 'Mr.Bean -live action series' to entertain me there . The small little children were laughing there along until ............

"Okay all , time to lighten people up this night", said the leader
"Okay uncle ~~~~(hey , we did this every year so it was boring)
there was 12 houses to cover that night and 4 songs every house.
and the 4th song is no other than the famous 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' song.
After every house , people will be like
"One house down.......Check!"
"We are a house nearer to the final house of the night
(you see , when we are singing at the last house of the night , they will be the host to offer food to replenish our energy.That's what everyone is waiting for.....FOOD~!)

All didn't mind singing but i was beside the back-up guitarists and they strum those strings as if they were Led Zepplin wanna-be . Never mind that but they could sing like some other wanna-be too . . . . .
The 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' song would always be the loudest.
It was like loud speakers banging into my ear and they sang so loud

I wish they could just shut up or just sing softer for heaven's sake....wait , scratch that . . . they could just stay home and crack glasses there would be much better.Oh well, Christmas is all about happiness , so I'm gonna give ALL the happiness to them all right.
There was this Uncle too that was singing very loud , he was better than the wanna-be but his pitch was something like Mariah Carrey but not even the right
one . Jeremy , the brace face was poeting a song called
'When a Child is Born' . It was too slang even an ah beng can do better . but the song has a nice message....

It's all a dream an illusion now,
It must come true sometime soon somehow.

Guess that's it for day 1 ,

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