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Klang, Selangor, Malaysia
Well , I 1st wanted to start this blog to show my hobbies but it failed because i gave up trying to blog so i'm reliving this blog and I'll post things that really makes me happy ... FOOD!!! and family too

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Dream

This morning , May 4th 2010 , a morning I will never forget ... oh ya May the fourth be with you =) .
Anyway , time to be serious . In human nature , they will forget 50% of their dreams the moment they open their eyes and 90% during the entire day . There are numerous plots that can happen in one night it's always faces of which only you encounter in your life , like the one sitting beside you in the train could be the murderer in you dreams you're running away from. So?? and dreams are always related to the dream even if you are not aware but your brain is... like sitting on a school chair waiting for the bell to ring it's session over but in reality it's your alarm ringing. Why am I bringing this topic out if you ask?? I slept at 3am last night watching ''The Love Guru'' and alot of philosophies that can be taken out from it




I woke up this morning at 8.30am .... God knows why .. like human nature do , I've forgotten what I dream about an I was very sleepy so I knocked out again and there was where the whole thing began. Exactly 3 hours at 11.30am , I woke up again realizing that I have dreamed the most mysterious dream I have ever did .... ignoring the many times where I always needed to run from some murderer .

I even ran straight to the kitchen looking at the nasi lemak my mum bought but grabbed a paper or two and the nearest pen I could reach scribbling but words that made up my dream ... 30 mins of silence and the sound of a ball point pen crossing it's way on a blank paper and voila the draft of what I did..

Here how it goes, this is a very personal one and there's a reason why I remembered it so please, no critics and on harsh feelings , believe all you want but this is what I saw.

-a dream is a different way of interpretion between the reality-

It started out with me at the Telok Gadong ktm station where I always go in order I can travel to my college and the train arrives , still pitch dark , I was in casual not like the black and white I'd always wear and a bag pack , the train also seemed different unlike the usual one , but heck I'll still get on rather than waiting for another 30mins . I boarded it and waited to reach at my destination but oddly it seemed like i stopped at Klang station because of it's familiar settings , when i got out of the station , I remember looking at a field like the one in Taman Rakyat where it's filled with orange sands but strangely, I see the Sogo building , a bus terminal and a morning market there . Of course , nothing struck to me that it's not like that in the reality . I went on the bus to get to the market and believe it or not , i met Nick and Sunny there with Sunny beside me and Nick at the back , but they were together because I already took the 1 of the 2 seats and Nick just took the one behind ,
Back to reality: I have never ever met Sunny in my life though I know him by playing DotA together so it's freaky that he is beside me but that blur vision of his face like the one i always see in his Msn.
When the bus reached the market , the both of them were also getting down with me behind them and when I pull my face up to view the front , they were gone.

I saw Cecilia Ah Yee and Audrey there at the market just across from where I was standing , at a fruit stall .
Their conversation was seemly odd when I look back on what I wrote down.
Ah Yee was looking at these green and black grapes , but they looked so much smaller , like fresh currants and Ah Yee said to Audrey , ''No matter how ripe and sweet they are , I wont eat it (showing it to Audrey) without cream'' . And she also mentioned that her one was quality over quantity unlike some shop which i think is censored(more like blurish, haha like in tv) when she said it . Then they spotted me and said hi and me doing the same . Somehow i remembered looking at the white radish near to me in the market comparing to the one that I used the other day, which is in fact true in reality that i did a radish kim chi .

I headed over to Sogo , a shopping centre in KL , next to the Bank Negara building , observing the interior and walking higher and higher until a shop caught my eye ''Pavil BookStore'' I think it's the shortform of Pavilion as I wanted to go so much in reality. I found an escalator that leads down to it so i hurried to it but the weirdest thing was , the escalator goes half way down and then up again . So that was when it strucked me , maybe I should use the lift down as alot of people are using it . I stepped into the lift and waited , the numbers were weird i was in 14a where it felt as if i went to the 3rd floor only and it increases to 56b and the door starts to open slightly , I wanted to walk out , the whole lift accelerated side ways like the one in Harry Potter :Order of Phoenix and I was out of Sogo and across the sky , a glimpse in the high speed room I was in are familiar faces that I meet in school , Naavin Kumar was the most obvious of all. Finally the lift did the classic ''DING'' sound to indicate that I arrived somewhere .

This is the exact picture that I experienced from side view of the escalator that I encounter in Sogo.

All ''passengers'' got out and the surroundings were just too norm until i realized I was in KL station Ktm , it's old grey castle like colour of the walls except , the view from where I was , a sky high tower looking down on the Padang Merdeka and looking beside the ''tower'' it was a bus station/terminal of what I can make of and I see alot of people crossing to it , and the fact that they were sort of floating to it , it gave me chills and the Dark Cloud scene from Harry Potter made it worse , also knowing that i was bending on this very very steep hill(so steep that I need to walk sideways and using my hang to grip the hill) of grass and the disappeared lift. I know this is very weird to see in my dreams but I saw this young couple , boy and girl , N**k and R*C**l , where he was holding her hand helping her cross the steep hill , i asked where was Sunny and he replied ''He went with his dad edi , u didn't know?? in his brand new car'' and I nodded , continued my way up until I came into this horde of firebirds like the one I always play in HEREOS 3:Might and Magic . Then it said , I'll fly you to that side , with it's head pointing a tunnel like slide , I hop on it and it burst into flames and soar into the sky and a few seconds later i reached to that erie castle like terminal and things started fading away , the terminal doesn't seem to be one and more like a brick wall covered with moss.

I reached my way into the brick slide and positioned myself to go in , finding that there are clothes and a boot there , sliding my way , the pitch black hole suddenly filled with a sun ray and both my feet bumped into a child standing up , no doubt that tanned skin and language assured me I was in Malaysia '' Oi , ade org datang ni !'' i got up and see this village of some sort gathered around. The mountain borders and kampung village , but then a group of 'not-in-the-group'' tat i see and I noticed there was Kishen and Andrew Tan there .... again God knows what reason. After a chat , I found out that I was in a place called ''Luak'' , ok from what i understand , Luak is the best coffee in the world that is made up from a civet cat's dung... and they claim it's in Perak which I never heard in all of my Geography history . It's like an episode right out from LOST... so i stared into the mountains , thinking if my life will be like this?? Always trying to get out but never succeed .... the burning scorch of the Sun was making me humid and dizzy until:
I open my eyes and noticed the ceiling fan was off and it's 11.30am , freakin' hot weather that morning. and so it end and wrote this dream down , something which will never be forgotten.

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